
Billionaires Noticing Dr. Matthews Vitamin D Research and Work - May 2019

By Dr. Matthews

Joe Ritchie (Chicago native, multibillionaire, entrepreneur, U.S. presidential advisor, world record-setting aviator, international investor, and the sharpest mind in options trading) and I after a one-on-one discussion on vitamin D3 at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. on 5/17/19 at the International Gathering of the Impact Angel Network Meeting.

My "health before wealth" statement has received a lot of attention recently. Low levels of vitamin D3 is associated with decreased worker's productivity, increased worker's absenteeism, and increased health insurance costs to employers, employees, and governments.

If we normalized the 326 million Americans vitamin D3 levels to 40 ng/ml, the U.S. could save $800 billion per year in health care costs. In ten years, the $8 trillion saved can be used to pay down the $20 trillion U.S. debt and rebuild the U.S. infrastructure creating jobs.

People with low vitamin D3 levels are expensive, and cost employers, themselves, and governments more money. Correcting low vitamin D3 levels pay big dividends on an individual, corporate, state, and national levels!

A few of the many Dr. Matthews pages in VitaminDWiki

Impact Angel Network

  • "The Impact Angel Network is a global collection of investors seeking to achieve financial returns and sustainable social impact by making investments into high-growth companies in Africa. "

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